Comedian Stephen Colbert Mocks Biden’s New Border Policy

Liberal comedian Stephen Colbert used his show to poke fun at President Biden’s new plan to secure the border. On Tuesday, the White House announced actions to stop illegal immigrants claiming asylum at the southern border if the number of crossings reaches a certain level.

This decision upset many progressives, including Colbert.

“Yesterday, Biden signed a controversial executive order that lets the president stop granting asylum if more than 2,500 people apply each day,” Colbert said on Wednesday night’s episode of “The Late Show.” He joked, “They changed the poem on the Statue of Liberty to say: ‘Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses up to 2,500 people a day, while supplies last, only at participating Dairy Queens.’”

Colbert also highlighted criticism from Senator John Kennedy, a Republican from Louisiana, who said, “President Biden is in trouble politically. He’s polling right up there with fungal infections.” Colbert responded humorously, “Sir, show some respect. He’s polling right up there with ‘Former President Fungal Infections.’”

This was the second night in a row Colbert mocked Biden’s border policy. On Tuesday, he suggested that Biden could sell the idea to Democrats by saying, “The wall is going to be gluten-free, and the barbed wire will be pro-choice. It’s not a border wall. It’s a bord-Her wall.”

The poem Colbert parodied is “The New Colossus” by 19th-century poet and activist Emma Lazarus. The poem is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty and often quoted by immigration supporters. The poem has sparked debate in recent years.

For example, in 2017, CNN reporter Jim Acosta cited it while criticizing the Trump administration’s immigration policy, to which Trump advisor Stephen Miller replied, “The poem that you’re referring to was added later and is not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty.”

Far-left groups like “Jewish Voice for Peace” have also quoted Lazarus to support their causes. Last year, they used her words to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, stating, “The famous words of our Sephardi Jewish ancestor Emma Lazarus etched into this monument compel us to take action to support Palestinians yearning to breathe free.”

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