Protests Against Biden Intensify in Liberal California: Here’s Why It Matters

When former President Trump traveled through Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and San Francisco last week, his fans wearing MAGA hats and waving flags cheered him along the streets.

In contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris was met with pro-Palestinian protesters shouting “Shame on you!” during her visit to San Francisco for a fundraiser.

President Biden was also greeted by protesters demanding a cease-fire as he landed in Los Angeles for another fundraiser.

This differing treatment of Trump and Biden has been noticeable for months, especially in liberal California, where many voters believe Trump is a threat to democracy.

However, many activists are more critical of Biden because he is currently in office and they feel they can push him further left on policies.

Most of these protesters do not support Trump, whom they view as a threat to their goals.

Despite this, Biden remains popular in California, holding a 20-point lead over Trump according to FiveThirtyEight.

However, national Democrats are worried that anti-Biden protests might hurt his campaign, as some polls show him tied with or losing to Trump.

Activists and political leaders explain that people are protesting Biden because they want him to change policies, not because they support Trump.

For instance, Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict has angered many, even though his position is closer to the protesters’ views than Trump’s.

Trump’s visits to places like Newport Beach did not draw as many protesters as before. This may be due to a variety of factors, including activists focusing on other political activities or feeling that street protests might not be the best strategy against Trump.

The Women’s March, a group formed after a major protest against Trump in 2017, is reconsidering how to confront him, focusing more on issues like reproductive rights and women’s equality rather than direct protests, which they believe might inadvertently help Trump by giving him attention.

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