Spring Research Survey 2023


take the survey

important dates

Promotion Begins: 3/21/23
Promotion ends: 4/11/23*
Drawing: 4/12/23*

Hey there, MVP Club members of the Nebraska Lottery! We value your opinions and want to make sure we’re bringing you the best scratch-off games and promotions. That’s why we’re giving you a chance to win awesome prizes by completing a quick web survey. And guess what? It’ll only take you less than 20 minutes to finish!

Now, here’s the scoop: Only Nebraska residents can participate, so make sure you’re eligible. And mark your calendars because the deadline to complete the survey has been extended to April 11, 2023. Yep, you’ve got some extra time to share your thoughts and ideas with us.

But wait, there’s more! As an MVP Club member, you’ll be entered into a drawing held by the Nebraska Lottery on April 12, 2023. We’ll select three lucky winners:

– Kenneth Sabata from Valparaiso: Winner’s choice of three (3) packs of Nebraska Lottery Scratch Tickets (valued at $900).
– Philip Hernandez from Bladen: Winner’s choice of two (2) packs of Nebraska Lottery Scratch Tickets (valued at $600).
– Lowell Lee from Blair: Winner’s choice of one (1) pack of Nebraska Lottery Scratch Tickets (valued at $300).

Important note: If a winner selects a pack of $30 Nebraska Lottery scratch tickets, that will count as two (2) packs because, well, a $30 pack is worth $600. Just keeping things fair!

But hold on, even if you don’t snag one of the top prizes, we’ve got something for you too. As a thank you for your participation, all participants will receive a sweet $5 eCoupon for any scratch purchase after the contest ends. It’s a win-win!

So, make your voice heard, share your insights, and get a shot at winning cool prizes. We can’t wait to hear from you and create an even more exciting lottery experience for our amazing players. Go ahead and visit nelottery.com to take the survey and secure your chance at winning. Good luck!

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